10 Disturbing Songs You Hear Then Never Forget

2. Crazy Clown Time - David Lynch

If you didn't know that David Lynch released music, all I can say is I'm sorry. The cult director is known for his surreal, nightmarish movies, and so it should come as no surprise that those same sensibilities made it over to his music.

In fact, you might even argue that his music is weirder than his films. That might sound impossible, but it's true.

It's Crazy Clown Time that's Lynch's magnum opus; a droning, seven-minute descent into a party spinning out of control, all the while Lynch's almost childlike high-pitched vocals repeatedly relay how it's "crazy clown time."

Combined with the video, also directed by Lynch, the song is accompanied by the moans of a female vocalist as well as the violent screams of a man, allowing you to fill in the blanks of the vague lyrics.

Like all Lynch products, it's so weird that in other hands it might even come across as comedic. And in a way, it is, but that only adds to the surreal, uncomfortable nature of the recording.

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PJ Harvey
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3