10 Famous Actors With Music Careers That Spectacularly Failed

8. Eddie Murphy

For most people, Eddie Murphy can do no wrong. He can act, dance, tell jokes and even talk to animals for crying out loud. Look, it's not even worth arguing that Party All The Time isn't a catchy song, even writing about it now I'm having to constantly CTRL Z the lyrics away. But, that was the 80s, a time where everyone was singing along to some mind-burrowing dance track, even footballers, and Murphy's attempt to recapture that form back in 2013 when the Dr Dolittle star teamed up with rapper Snoop (Dog) Lion to create the reggae influenced Red Light, nearly 30 years since Murphy first dipped his toe into the music business. Despite racking in over 6 million views, the track has almost seemingly disappeared into thin air from the minds of everyone who has had the misfortune of allowing their ears to come within contact of it. All that work that Murphy put into his first hit has been destroyed by the actor's decision to stop parting all the time and to venture back into the recording studio. Please, Eddie, for the sake of your career... stop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiiFzKfuPMk
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Multimedia trained journalist bringing you all the latest Serie A transfer news. Often dabble with music and entertainment.