10 Famous Actors With Music Careers That Spectacularly Failed

5. David Hasselhoff

If you thought Jump in My Car was bad, yet alone the creepiest song ever to have been heard then you haven't had the displeasure of wasting four minutes and three seconds of your life listening to the latest 'work' from the Baywatch legend that is True Survivor, released earlier this year by David Hasselhoff. Usually when a video has over 15 million views on YouTube it's either because it's incredibly funny or has the shock factor that wants you to go back for more. Nope. This is neither. In fact, it's incredible how much it makes you wish you could go back to a time when you weren't friends with the person who told you to check out this new song. If you think the song itself is bad just wait until you hear the background story for the film that is soundtracks: Kung Fury, an 80s action spoof about a Kung Fu cop that travels back in time to Nazi Germany in order to kill Hitler, but in a bizarre twist, ends up being sent back to the Viking Age. Without giving away the ending, don't rule out death by musical torture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTidn2dBYbY
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Multimedia trained journalist bringing you all the latest Serie A transfer news. Often dabble with music and entertainment.