10 Famous Actors With Music Careers That Spectacularly Failed

4. Scarlett Johansson

The immaculate blonde bombshell is one of the leading ladies of the big screen, so why would a pursuit into music be so desirable for The Avengers star? She perfected the Black Widow role, flowered in Lost in Translation and has picked up several awards throughout a star-studded career, so surely the American actress would waltz straight into the charts with a multi-million selling debut record, right? WRONG. The 30-year-old decided to produce a cover album (plus one original song) of US singer-songwriter Tom Waits, well known for his signature growling tone, but even his best stuff is arguably cover versions of other artists including Bruce Springsteen and The Eagles, so how would Johansson's tribute album be received? Wait, Scarlet Johansson recorded an album?! Is the response you're most likely to receive even from the most avid Marvel fan. Despite being labelled the 23rd best album of 2008 by music magazine NME, probably because David Bowie and members from Yeah Yeah Yeahs featured somewhere within the record, the 2008 album titled Somewhere I Lay My Head was expected to be the actress' first and only foray into music. Unfortunately Johansson teamed up with Este Haim of HAIM earlier this year to form The Singles, however, it may not last too long because a Los Angeles band of the same title have issued a cease and desist order for the name to be removed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USiLOQFW3X4
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Multimedia trained journalist bringing you all the latest Serie A transfer news. Often dabble with music and entertainment.