10 Famous Actors With Music Careers That Spectacularly Failed

3. Steven Seagal

You wouldn't even dream of saying it to the face of a man who holds a 7th degree black belt in Aikido, but behind a keyboard Steven Seagal's music should be wiped from the face of the Earth. Just like Kevin Bacon, Seagal included some of his music in films that he starred in including Fire Down Below and Ticker, and as a result must be the one and only fan of his duets with Randy Scruggs and Taj Mahal. Yeah, me neither... The 63-year-old, who is well known for his action films in the 80s and 90s, has dabbled with music throughout his career and along with a couple of soundtracks released two blues influenced studio albums Songs from the Crystal Cave and Mojo Priest, with the former featuring music legend Stevie Wonder. I'm sure that record really stands out in Stevie's luxurious career. The titles of some of the tracks that feature on the two albums are just down-right weird. Cockpuncher Blues and Talk To My Ass to name just two that may sound interesting, but once you've endured the actual music you'll regret ever taking the slightest bit of interest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9uLpQi9zmU
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Multimedia trained journalist bringing you all the latest Serie A transfer news. Often dabble with music and entertainment.