10 Famous Rock Songs Written So Fast You Won't Believe
7. Supersonic - Oasis
The final step in the Lennon-Weller-Gallagher evolutionary chain, Oasis came along in 1994 and changed everything.
With their debut album Definitely Maybe, the people's champions of Britpop announced themselves as a new force to be reckoned with in British music. Before that album was even released, the band had drawn considerable attention to themselves with its lead single - the mighty Supersonic.
Drenched in psychedelic guitars and carried by Liam's trademark whiny voice, Supersonic took listeners on a journey into the unknown with references to high-powered trains, mysterious women, and, obviously, The Beatles.
The process of conception to birth for Supersonic took place in a single day, as Noel Gallagher apparently wrote the song in about ten minutes. What were the rest of the band doing? Ordering a Chinese takeaway.
According to the man himself, Noel was absolutely off his face on drugs whilst coming up with the track.
"“I remember being off my nut and going into the back room and setting the goal of writing a song in 10 minutes." He said. "That was ‘Supersonic’.”
Remember, kids, just because Noel Gallagher wrote a great song whilst high, that doesn't mean you will too.