10 Famous Rock Songs Written So Fast You Won't Believe

6. Rock And Roll - Led Zeppelin

Jam: a delicious sandwich filling, an entry on this list, and an excuse for a bunch of musicians to get together, muck about, and see what happens.

Plenty of great stuff has come from jam sessions, but few more high-profile tracks have been born out of one than Led Zeppelin's powerhouse Rock and Roll.

Jimmy Page described the day when the song was written, explaining that it basically came out of nowhere.

"John Bonham did the drum intro and we just followed on. I started doing pretty much half of that riff you hear on Rock n Roll and it was just so exciting that we thought, 'Let’s just work on this'."

The song was apparently pretty much done after just 15 minutes. It would go on to sell 200,000 copies in the UK, appear on many publications' "Best Rock Songs" countdowns, and became the first Led Zeppelin song ever to be licensed for an advert.

Cadillac, 2001, in case you're wondering.

Sometimes the best way to create art is to just take the pressure off and see what comes naturally to you. If that technique is good enough for Led Zeppelin, then it's good enough for anyone.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.