10 Glorious "Dad Rock" Albums

9. Harvest - Neil Young

Folk rock has always seemed to be the warped cousin of the dad rock genre. Seeing how most of these artists were nothing more than singer songwriters looking to spread their music around the world, the themes of universal love and adult topics are the exact fit for something like dad rock. For as long as the Bob Dylans of the world have been around though, it doesn't get more rocking than old Uncle Neil.

Considering the major shifts in tone that Neil Young has undergone through his career, it's a miracle that something like this even exists. Throughout most of Harvest, you can hear him leaning slightly into the world of folk rock music, heading into Nashville to work with the top musicians of the day on songs like Heart of Gold. There's a lot more than just songs for strumming on an acoustic guitar though, with A Man Needs a Maid being one of the most theatrical songs to have the word "dad rock" associated with it.

Outside of the wild left turns, Neil also has a lot more to say than your average rock and roller, from the unrest going on in the South on Alabama to pondering his youth on something like Old Man. Once you hit the age when you start getting grey around the temples, this is the kind of rock music that could bring a tear to your eye.

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