10 Greatest Anti-war Songs In Rock

4. Born In The U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen (1984)

The fact this song was played at a number of Donald Trump rallies only speaks to the ignorance of his supporters. Born in the U.S.A. might have the feel of a nationalist or patriotic anthem, but for anybody with the slightest bit of awareness it's clearly anything but.

The song is a brilliant demonstration of Springsteen subverting the perception of his listeners. Juxtaposing the rallying cry style vocals with lyrics that don't pull any punches when it comes to critiquing America's foreign policy.

Springsteen sings from the perspective of a disenfranchised Vietnam veteran. Describing the tragic trajectory of his life, he recounts being sent to Vietnam after getting into trouble at home. As was the case with many vets, he returns from the war traumatised by what he witnessed, only to find a less than friendly welcome and poor job prospects back home.

Despite the song's hook sounding like a celebratory outcry, the line "Born in the U.S.A." is an expression of exasperation. How can someone born into a nation that boast ideals of freedom and liberty treat its own citizens like this?

When Springsteen wrote this song America had long since pulled out of Vietnam, but the reverberations of the war were still being felt, particularly by those who fought it.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.