10 Greatest Classic Rock Songs Of The 1980s

3. Tom Sawyer - Rush

With the 80's just getting started, Rush had already been cruising along with their complicated prog rock for almost 5 years. After the band found their audience on 2112, they spent the rest of the 70's going even further down the rabbit hole with songs that wowed many and baffled many more.

Even with all of their songwriting expertise, the band were also listening to those around them. Being intrigued by the sounds coming from new wave bands like The Police and the Talking Heads, the band set out to write songs that were more to-the-point. 1981's Moving Pictures was certainly a shift towards simpler material, but "Tom Sawyer" was the song that defined the band for a whole new fanbase.

The song has you captivated from the opening keyboard blast, as Geddy Lee starts to sing about the typical rebellious teen that anyone who appreciates rock can relate to. The song was a bit less complicated then normal, but the band still showed their ability to play from Lee handling keyboards, vocals, and bass to Alex Lifeson's epic guitar solo section. Also you're lying to yourself if you say you don't airdrum the drum break from Neil Peart coming out of the solo. Rush may have been changing their sound, but with songs that hit this hard, what's there to complain about?


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