10 Greatest Drummers Of All Time

2. Keith Moon

Keith MoonStand Out Track: Won€™t Get Fooled Again, the epic classic from 'Who's Next'. Self-destructive, hedonistic, unpredictable and quite simply an animal behind the kit, Moon is most famous for being one of rock€™s greatest characters. Whether destroying his kit at the end of a set or blowing up hotel toilets with dynamite, Moon€™s outlandish behaviour kept him in the spotlight and he epitomised the youthful, dangerous side of rock & roll better than anyone. It is important to recognise that these attributes did not distract from his skills on the drums, far from it; Moon remains revered for his insanely busy technique which focused on fast, cascading rolls and flourishes, wild and unpredictable double bass work and powerful cymbal crashes. Moon€™s exuberant abandonment of convention and unparalleled showmanship cemented his reputation as a true original but is he the best drummer ever? Not quite. That honour goes to€
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I love Heavy Metal, and generally anything that involves a guitar and loud noises, so I figured it was about time I put all the useless information in my head to good use and start writing a few things. Most of the time I'll be writing nonsense but occasionally I may surprise myself and appear half-way knowledgable.....but you can be the judge of that. Thanks for your fleeting attention!