10 Greatest Feel Good Rock Songs

6. Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys

By the mid '60s, the Beach Boys were on the verge of something unprecedented. After years of making little odes to cars, girls, and surfing, this little band from California had just released one of the biggest pop albums of all time with Pet Sounds. Though the album has achieved classic status all on its own, the band's greatest creative endeavor didn't even make it onto the final track listing.

Being heralded as Brian Wilson's true masterpiece, "Good Vibrations" makes every single thing you do during your day feel worth it, as each singer sounds completely consumed by the vibrations they're getting off of their lady loves. Even for a pop song, this track takes some weird turns, with almost three completely different sections of songs coming together in one place. It might seem hard to get a handle on some of the transitions, but even if you aren't in love with one part of the song, there's another beautiful piece waiting just around the corner.

Cramming everything from strings to a theremin to layers upon layers of vocals, the sheer sensory overload of these instruments is enough to bring you into musical euphoria. The Beach Boys have made their bread and butter off of carefree tunes, but this one song about the cosmic wonders of love might be their greatest work.

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