10 Greatest Final Rock Albums Of The 1980s

8. Prince Charming - Adam And The Ants

Although frontman Adam Ant would continue releasing albums up until 2013, his band called it quits in 1981 after just three goes round.

To be fair to them, Adam and the Ants did pretty darn well for themselves. Their first album reached number 16, whilst the follow-up, Kings of the Wild Frontier, topped the UK charts. Their third and final release, Prince Charming, might have only finished second, but it gave the world two of their most recognisable tracks.

Firstly, there was the title song, a delightfully campy Regency-era sing-a-long romp, and then there was the song that made it seem like being a highwayman was a viable career in the early 1980s - Stand and Deliver.

The Ants' mad stylings and flamboyant dress sense had made them extreme popular and this album was the peak of all of that; a joyous shot in the arm of unabashedly fun pop rock.

Perhaps wanting to go out on top, Ant disbanded his group the following year before going on to pursue a solo career. Hopefully he did this without robbing them all at the point of a sword.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.