10 Greatest Final Rock Albums Of The 1980s

4. Naked - Talking Heads

Sadly not an album about how David Byrne likes to strip off (if only), Naked served as the swansong for one of the most intriguing bands to ever walk the Earth.

Talking Heads (not the Talking Heads, thank you very much) had come to people's attention with their debut single, Psycho Killer, and had subsequently blossomed into one of the most respected mainstream acts on the scene.

Their blend of rock, pop, jazz, and Avant Garde made them one of the biggest art rock bands in the world, with their music still being studied and dissected by those fascinated with the unusual.

Fans didn't actually know they'd broken up until 1991, three years after the release of what would be known as their final album. Naked was the band incorporating more world sounds into their music, utilising the polyphonic rhythms of Africa to elevate their songs above what was available at the time.

Critics loved it and it sold reasonably well, but issues between Byrne and the rest of the group forced them to go on a hiatus that they never returned from.

It was a wild ride while it lasted.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.