10 Greatest Final Rock Albums Of The 1980s

3. Out Of Step - Minor Threat

Punk is a genre that lends itself perfectly to the one-album wonder phenomenon; there's just something about people who like to play very fast, very aggressive music about how much they hate everything that breeds instability.

How strange...

Take Minor Threat for example, a hardcore punk act who released their one and only studio record, Out of Step, in 1983. The album came out in April, but, by the year's end, the band were no more.

Though Out of Step was preceded by two EPs and followed by another, this was the band's only full album. However, when an album is considered one of the most influential rock records of the whole period, then one is probably enough.

Regarded as a standard-setter for the hardcore subgenre, Out of Step has also been cited as a inspiration for genres such as skate punk, thrash metal, and grunge. It holds up extremely well by modern standards, unlike some of its contemporaries, which have aged about as well as raw meat.

Obviously fans would have liked more music from Minor Threat, but what they did get was still pretty strong.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.