10 Greatest Hair Metal Albums Of All Time

3. Appetite For Destruction - Guns N Roses

Guns N Roses are a bit of an interesting case study when it comes to the LA rock scene. While some call them an antecedent of hair metal, others think they are something else entirely, almost as if they deserve a distinct lane of their own. However, if Guns belongs anywhere near the scene on Sunset, their debut would be heralded as one of the greatest of all time.

As Appetite for Destruction starts, you're lured into a different kind of environment than you were used to on hair metal records. Despite the catchy hooks and heavy riffs, there was something almost dangerous to the way these guys presented themselves, with each song feeling like it could fly off the rails at any moment. Whenever you heard any word that came out of Axl Rose's mouth, you felt like you were listening to a guy who had seen all of the ugliness of Hollywood firsthand and is going to tear the whole scene inside out.

Though this album is one of the most badass to come out of LA in the '80s, it also did its job a little too well. Whereas other hair bands were getting prettier, this rootsy approach to rock and roll left all of the competition looking phoney by comparison. By the time you heard Slash rip through a solo, what was so important about Winger anymore? Appetite for Destruction may be called the death of hair metal, but only the true professionals can pump out a record this hard.

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Motley Crue
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