10 Greatest Pop-Punk Albums Of All Time

5. All Time Low: Don't Panic

While, All Time Low gets a bit of mixed reception amongst some pop-punk fans, there's no denying "Don't Panic" was an important record for the genre. A year prior to its release Blink 182 put out the disappointing "Neighborhoods".

The same year as "Don't Panic"s release, Green Day put out the even more disappointing "Trilogy" of records. So, while the two pop-punk giants were releasing so-so music, it was All Time Low who brought us a punk record that was actually good. You may not be an All Time Low fan, but you can't deny that "Don't Panic" was the perfect record and the right time.


I like comics, music, wrestling, and Jesus...oh, and tacos, can't forget about the tacos.