10 Greatest Rock Song Intros From The 1970s

5. Anarchy In The UK - Sex Pistols

The Damned may have beaten the Pistols in the race to release the first punk single, but no band before or since has ever been able to stir up such controversy, love and hatred in equal measures. Johnny Rotten's spoken 'right now' and his knowing chuckle set the tone for a record that truly smashed down the walls of the smug, complacent music business establishment.

People who hadn't heard the Pistols other than by reputation were expecting a 100 mph amphetamine-fuelled thrash, but instead the Pistols delivered a statement of power and intent that dispelled any bogus notions that punk bands couldn't play their instruments. Steve Jones' Les Paul through a Fender Twin, delivers a sonic assault that could fell a mountain.


Lifelong music obsessive, regular contributor to US guitar magazines, sometime radio presenter, singer/guitarist in Star Studded Sham, true believer in the power of rock'n'roll and an amp turned up to 11, about to publish first novel, The Bulletproof Truth.