10 Hard Rock Bands Who Never Made A Bad Album
1. Alice In Chains
The '90s will go down in history as one of the most whirlwind times for rock music. As the hair metal scene started to grow stale, the grunge movement coming out of Seattle stomped out all of the hairsprayed glam rockers and brought the genre back to its roots. While Pearl Jam and Soundgarden have stellar discographies to their name, Alice in Chains is one of the few genuine hard rock acts that never struck out.
As the band burst onto the scene, they were quickly embraced by both the metal and the alternative crowd. While albums like Facelift and Dirt were heavy from back to front, there was an ethereal quality to their music that went beyond just the generic song to headbang to. Even when they turned down the distortion on albums like Jar of Flies, the band's material had a distinctive shimmer to it that seemed to be channeling some divine musical force.
Though the band's first iteration came to an end with the death of Layne Staley, their resurrection with William Duvall has led to some of the best modern rock in the past 10 years, with albums like Black Gives Way to Blue destined to become classics. Alice in Chains may not have been the most popular grunge act in their heyday, but their songs have been able to transcend those gloomy Seattle streets.