10 Hard Rock Music Songs Artists Want You To Forget
The Hard Rock Regrets.

It's hard to imagine any type of rock album to not be a labor of love for everyone involved. This is the kind of gig that most people dream of getting, so every time in the studio is supposed to be an absolute blast, right? It might seem that way, until you start to run out of ideas a little bit.
When you're living that lifestyle 24/7, things are going to start to get a little crazy every now and again, and you end up putting out stuff that is waaaay below your usual standard. That's not to say that everyone thinks these songs are bad though. In some cases, these are some of the most celebrated songs in the band's repertoire, with people almost defining these acts by this one song. In the mind of the band though, these are the few moments where they slipped up and started to get into some really awful habits.
Just because a song is on a list like this doesn't mean that it's crap either though. Sometimes artists have too many emotions tied to one song, and to see it go out into the world and become something else is a bit more than they can take sometimes. Because at the end of the day, your songs are your children, and you have no control over what's going to happen to them later down the line.
10. Tai Shan - Rush
There's a pretty big dividing line in the camp of Rush fans throughout the years. There are people that love everything single thing that the band has ever done, and then there are those that cover their ears and insist that the synth period they went through in the '80s doesn't exist. And while albums like Grace Under Pressure and Signals have their fair share of great tracks, even the band doesn't really like to defend Tai Shan.
Granted, you could at least see what they were trying to do with this, fitting in with the free jazz elements that were creeping in on Hold Your Fire. In between the more over the top songs like Time Stand Still, Tai Shan is more of an experiment than an actual song, being inspired by Eastern culture that Neil Peart had become interested in around this time.
You can tell that they didn't skimp out on the authenticity of the song either, featuring a lot of drum techniques and rhythmic patterns that are unique to Chinese culture at the time. As the years have gone on though, the band never really played it live all that often and even Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee have owned up to it feeling like a bit of a misstep in their career. Still, it says a lot about an artist when something that they view as a mistake can still play circles around most other musicians in the prog world.