10 Hard Rock Music Songs Artists Want You To Forget

7. Back Chat - Queen

Throughout their career, Queen were pretty much fearless in terms of every single genre they walked into. Whether it was the kind of pop flavored music off of The Game or the showtune shenanigans that they got up to during their early period, it was always going to be good as long as it came out the way that Queen would do it. Once they tasted the pop success with Another One Bites the Dust, they may have bit off a little more than they could chew on Hot Space.

Outside of featuring one of the greatest songs of all time in Under Pressure, most of this record is not looked back on that fondly by most of Queen's members. Listening back to a song like Back Chat, this feels like a song that took one look at what Michael Jackson was doing around the same time with Thriller and tried to capitalize on it, with synths that tend to fall on the wrong side of cheesy these days.

But surely they must have thought it was cool and hip at the time, right? No...it was lame back then too. During some of the promotional cycles, you even had Roger Taylor saying that he can think of a couple of tracks on this album that he didn't like all that much. Yeah, it doesn't really bode well for your album when you already have one of your bandmates badmouthing some of the songs before anyone hears them.


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