10 Hard Rock Songs That Almost Killed Great Albums

7. Tommy's Holiday Camp - The Who

Tommy by the Who is by far one of the most ambitious concept albums ever created. As the '60s rock scene was showing new signs of growth, this rock opera following a deaf, dumb, and blind boy found favor with all stripes of rock fans, even going on to become a fully fledged musical in the decades since its release. Though the spirit of the group is captured in full on this record, one of the more uncomfortable parts is tucked away before the grand finale.

Across the album's runtime, we've gotten to know the sleazy character Uncle Ernie, who abuses Tommy in the song Fiddle About. While something like this hits the nail on the head for being unsettling, Keith Moon's songwriting entry on Tommy's Holiday Camp veers on the wrong side of uncomfortable. It doesn't take too long for this song to play to figure out something is wrong, with the circus like atmosphere sounding like it's teetering on the edge of sanity.

Even though the idea of having a rock and roll camp does sound fun for a few seconds, the deliberately out of tune harmonies at the end make you want to get away from this track as quickly as possible. Compared to the off-kiler horror of Fiddle About, this is the moment where everything just seems wrong from the word go, without so much much as a catchy melody to stick in your brain afterwards. This is definitely not a camp that you'd want your kids to go to...or any other human to go to for that matter.

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