10 Hardest Drumming Songs In Hard Rock
5. Moby Dick - Led Zeppelin
There's no real rock drummer out there today who hasn't lived in the walls that John Bonham built. Aside from the other legends of the drum stool like Ringo Starr and Keith Moon, Bonham was a true animal behind the kit for Led Zeppelin, bringing with him some of the most feral drum fills ever laid down in the golden age of hard rock. It would seem that Zeppelin themselves thought so too if Moby Dick is any indication of Bonham's chops.
Starting with a riff that would have made a great song either way, Jimmy Page locks in with Bonham as the groove gets started. Once everything drops out though, it's officially showtime as Bonham goes off on his kit and leaves the rest of the instruments in the dust. Being the centerpiece of what would become Bonzo's drum solo live, each of your limbs are about to do some work as he punishes his kick drum while beating the tom toms like they owe him money.
Things even get downright savage towards the end of the tune, as Bonzo relinquishes his sticks altogether and decides to beat the hell out of the drums with nothing more than his hands. Though Bonham would have a lot of great showcases both before and after this, Moby Dick is still the sound of hard rock perfection at its most primal.