10 Hated '90s Rock Songs That Are Actually Really Good

9. Spacehog - In The Meantime

In what will quickly become a recurring theme, most people who are turned off by this song find themselves enraged by the soaring, bellowing “woo”s that make up approximately half of the vocal melody. Singer Royston Langdon has a ridiculous range, and he’s going to let you know about it until he’s blue in the face.

Beyond the whooping, though, “In The Meantime” is a brilliant bite of spacey rock nonsense buoyed by one of the best basslines of the era. The groove, also played by Langdon, carries the melodic weight of the song as the singer croaks his way through the verses, waiting for the moment he can cut loose once more on the chorus.

It’s a huge, spacious song, a fundamentally silly tune taken pretty seriously by all those who partake, which is a major part of the charm. As easy as it is to make fun of the overly dramatic delivery (and it is plenty easy), it’s a brilliantly written earworm of a tune that will stick in your head for days.

By the time you get to the histrionic coda, you’ll surely have bought in. It’s the kind of gleeful space rock bands like Muse should (but probably don’t) aspire to.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)