10 Hated '90s Rock Songs That Are Actually Really Good

8. Barenaked Ladies - One Week

A lot of people hate “One Week”. In fact, at this point, Barenaked Ladies pretty much hate “One Week”, with it having overshadowed the rest of their less zany output. Beyond the pop culture non-sequiturs and Chinese chickens, though, “One Week” slyly presents one of the best depictions of a relationship on the rocks in modern pop music.

Everyone remembers the frantically rapped references to X-Files, Kurosawa, sushi and Snickers. More intriguing are the sung choruses, telling the story of a couple falling out over silly things, too proud to admit that they’re wrong, knowing things will get back to normal in due course but enduring stormy domestic seas in the meantime.

As for the rap-singing itself, technically speaking, it’s nothing short of a marvel. As corny as it gets, the pace that Ed Robertson and Steven Page achieve is incredible. Even if they’re not always saying much of substance, it’s a testament to production standards of the ‘90s that they get their material off so clean.

It’s an embarrassing song to stick on in the car, but there are songs of way greater critical acclaim that aren’t half as well observed as this one.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)