10 Hauntingly Weird Music Videos From The 1980s

7. The Wild Boys - Duran Duran

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M43wsiNBwmo Nothing says hauntingly weird more like water torture and masses of empty furniture. This video, choreographed by Arlene Phillips, helped Duran Duran to a number two hit in both Britain and the States in 1984. Simon Le Bon and his cohorts moved curiously away from women in tight bathing costumes here, replacing them with homicidal men in loincloths. The Wild Boys also have to contend with a water borne worm with gnashing teeth too.
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Jamie Clark is a qualified Web Journalist after undergoing professional training at the University of Sheffield. A prolific and accredited sports writer, he also enjoys classic comedy, historic fiction, 80s music and heritage.