10 Hauntingly Weird Music Videos From The 1980s

6. Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8EotTtv2GU A song banned by the BBC? Relax had to be on the list really. What we found particularly odd in this video was the large gyrating man on the balcony dressed in a toga €“ an item of clothing he soon removes. Everyone is looking up at him, clothed only in a smile and what we assume to be shaving foam. The controversy surrounding Liverpool band Frankie Goes to Hollywood paid off as Relax reached the number one spot on the UK chart in January 1984.
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Jamie Clark is a qualified Web Journalist after undergoing professional training at the University of Sheffield. A prolific and accredited sports writer, he also enjoys classic comedy, historic fiction, 80s music and heritage.