10 Hauntingly Weird Music Videos From The 1980s

5. She Drives Me Crazy - Fine Young Cannibals

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=majFrn3j1Co Power Ranger type people without helmets, humans with televisions for heads, leapfrogging side by side and a gymnast kitted out in cushions €“ we're still not sure just how to explain the Fine Young Cannibals. This 1989 US number one single was replaced by Madonna's Like A Prayer. She Drives Me Crazy received several music video award nominations, but took nothing away as it missed out to the likes of Neil Young and Living Colour.
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Jamie Clark is a qualified Web Journalist after undergoing professional training at the University of Sheffield. A prolific and accredited sports writer, he also enjoys classic comedy, historic fiction, 80s music and heritage.