10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In Hard Rock Songs

3. Metal Gods - Judas Priest

Judas Priest is a band known for sounding massive. Ever since the band found their heavy metal edge, every single release they have put out has been balls-to-the-wall, with riffs that sound like they could cut through steel if they wanted to. Given Priest's pedigree as one of metal's pioneers, it was only a matter of time before actual metal ended up getting involved.

As it stands, "Metal Gods" is one of the most foreboding tracks on British Steel, with a stomp that sounds like robots about to lay siege upon the Earth. There may be a ton of attitude to this track, but the process of actually getting that mechanical sound was a lot less glamorous.

Working in what used to be John Lennon's house, the band were setting up at different parts of the estate to get the right sounds. While trying everything from stamping on boards to slamming doors, the band finally ended up getting the perfect sound for the robot feet by shaking a drawer full of knives and forks.

The song was already menacing as it is, but adding this subtle touch of metallic sound turned it into one of the most ominous tunes in the Priest's catalog. For as grimy as hard rock seems to be at times, it's amazing what the power of cutlery can do if you put it to music.

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