10 Indie Rock Bands That Released 5 Great Albums In A Row

1. Radiohead

It feels almost silly looking back on when Radiohead used to be considered a leading voice in the underground scene. From one record to the next, the band has fleshed out their sound and become one of the most important rock acts of their generation along the way. Even with more accolades than most of their contemporaries, the band's output has always remained on the cutting edge of modern music.

Though Pablo Honey marks the band's first steps, their real legendary run begins on the Bends, where they made one of the most emotionally potent '90s albums in existence. Transcending the decade label altogether, their followup OK Computer marked a sea change in the rock world at large, with songs that still sound timeless by today's standards.

Even as the band made a complete switch up on Kid A, the songs were too emotionally potent and gorgeous for anyone to get too annoyed about their change in sound. Going on into the next decade, their output has gone beyond most other rock acts, from the afterglow of Amnesiac to the raw aggression found on Hail to the Thief. Not wanting to stop at 5, the band have another modern classic under their belt with In Rainbows, with songs like "15 Step" and "Videotape." Radiohead may not be the sunniest band to listen to, but once you decide to take the dive, these songs sparkle like no other artist in existence.

Radiohead Quiz: Can You Name The Song From One Lyric?


1. In An Interstellar Burst, I Am Back To Save The Universe


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