10 Legendary Artists That Never Saw Their Last Music Record Come Out

3. MTV Unplugged in New York - Nirvana

There's no way for anyone to have planned for Kurt Cobain's suicide back in 1994. Here was the man that was supposed to break down the walls of pretentiousness in rock and roll, and in just a few days, the entire scene that he had birthed with the rise of grunge seemed to die right along with him. Just a few months shy of his passing though, fans got a look at the more raw side of what Nirvana could do when they decided to go acoustic in New York.

Although this record fits comfortably into the MTV aesthetic of what an Unplugged episode was supposed to be, Nirvana's session was a much different beast, treating the entire performance like a live show and leaving everything on the stage with very few overdubs. While Kurt wasn't necessarily known as the best wordsmith in grunge by any stretch, hearing him sound this raw on songs like Pennyroyal Tea is almost hard to watch considering what happened a few months later, especially with the stargazer lilies looking like Kurt giving a performance at his own funeral.

The live stage does make for some more visceral moments though, and you can see Kurt practically have an out of body experience towards the end of Where Did You Sleep Last Night, as he comes up for air and you can practically see the light leave his eyes as he barrels into the final moments of the song. The MTV generation may have spit out a lot of wannabes in their time, but Kurt didn't have an inauthentic bone in his that night, and this is the result of pure pain being let loose onstage.

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I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97