10 Legendary Artists That Never Saw Their Last Music Record Come Out

2. Milk and Honey - John Lennon

Just before his murder at the end of 1980, it looked like John Lennon was about to enter a new phase in his solo career. Having spent the last 5 years taking a break from music to raise his son Sean, the songs on Double Fantasy almost acted as a dialogue between John and Yoko, as they both try to come to terms with surviving the '60s and finding themselves settling into domestic life raising children. Those dreams may have been snuffed out with a couple of gunshots, but Milk and Honey felt like part 2 of the paradise that John was coming to terms with.

Although none of these songs come close to what Double Fantasy had production wise, Milk and Honey is a good way to capture John's most naked songwriting of his career, including a hit that he was originally going to give to Ringo Starr Nobody Told Me. What John can't be there to do Yoko more than makes up for with her songs as well, like Let Me Count The Ways being a beautiful ode to the love that she had for both John and Sean in those precious few years leading up to the album.

You can tell that John definitely still had plans to go forward down this road too, with songs like Grow Old With Me sounding like a beautiful tender ballad that would have been amazing if it had been released as a proper studio cut later down the line. After all of those years fighting deportation and becoming one of the more polarizing figures in pop music, Milk and Honey feels like John finally finding peace, even if those days weren't meant to last very long.

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I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97