10 Lost Albums From Famous Rock Musicians

7. The Electric Nebraska Sessions - Bruce Springsteen

Calling a Bruce Springsteen album a classic is a bit like referring to the ocean as wet; unless something has gone horribly wrong, it should be taken as read.

Nebraska from 1982, however, is a classic.

Springsteen chronicles the lives of several working class characters and the everyday struggles they encounter in this deeply moving and intimate collection of songs. It sounds like nothing else in The Boss' catalogue, mainly due to the fact this is a largely solo effort.

The songs began life as demos, laid down by Bruce on a simple 4-track recorder. They were then recorded by Springsteen's regular backing group, The E Street Band, but these were kept on the shelf in favour of the more subtle, folky versions from the 4-track days.

Electric Nebraska, as it became known, was going to be released as part of a double album with regular Nebraska at one point, but this never happened. As a result, there are completely different arrangements of some of Springsteen's most acclaimed songs just floating around out there, waiting to be discovered.

Hopefully the E Street lot weren't too miffed that all their hard work was for nought.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.