10 Massive Albums That Never Lived Up To The Hype

4. Second Coming - The Stone Roses

Every single band to come out of the Britpop movement practically owes their career to the Stone Roses. Outside of the actual song construction, the chemistry between Ian Brown and John Squire gave us some of the greatest indie music to come out of England in the late ‘80s, bringing with it a slew of imitators and The Gallagher Brothers adopting parts of their sound for Oasis’ eventual takeover of the world. When you have that much legacy around your first release though, how the hell are you supposed to do that same thing again?

The Stone Roses sure as hell didn’t know, taking them nearly another decade to release a follow up to their first album and cramming every single style they could into the mix. While this album isn’t trash from cover to cover by any stretch, most of it feels like the band are trying to fill in loads of ideas without any real rhyme or reason to them, leading to the album feeling a bit disjointed. That’s before you even get to the songs themselves, that tend to run way too long and make the entire record feel like a chore to listen to from cover to cover.

You can even tell that the band members weren’t getting along around this time either, with Reni leaving a couple months into the record’s production and the band quickly imploding after their first few shows. Then again, when you have a golden debut like that, it might be best to quit while you’re ahead and leave the legacy where it is.

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