10 Metal Bands You Need To Hear Now

3. Aosoth

new_aosoth_album_announced_02_03_2013 Current Release: IV: Arrow in Heart Label: Agonia Records Though 4 releases into his post Antaeus career, vocalist MkM, has arguably rendered a project far more important than Antaeus's Satanic noise ever was. With the watershed release III, he delved into murky Deathspell Omega, atonal realms, but with IV, that style has been dipped in a more structured but still malicious potion that has created arguably one of the decade's most important black metal records thus far. Dense, regal, filthy. Those are the 3 apt words that surmise this nigh perfect black metal release that slithers with caustic malice and saurian intellect. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFTvx9ZPpJc From the opening title track through the salvo of "Temple of Knowledge" to 14 minute closer "€œRitual Marks of Penitence€, Arrow in Heart pulses with malevolent perfection in every single purposeful note and cements Aosoth as one of black metal's very elite, not just in the French scene, but period.
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I am metal. I am so metal I ejaculate mercury. OK, love puppies, pro football and my daughter, so how's that for balance? I own a little metal blog called teethofthedivine.com and used to write for Metal Maniacs, Unrestrained magazines and currently help out with Hails and Horns and New Noise magazines. Yeah- I guess I am metal.