10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About The Beatles

7. Ringo Was The First To Leave The Group

Beatles Hey Jude Swearing

Though the story of the Beatles breakup is well-publicised, a number of stresses and interpersonal conflicts had been plaguing the band for some time before the official death knell was sounded.

Even during the recording sessions for the White Album where the group had tentatively became close again following their trip to India, tensions between the bandmates regularly reared their ugly head. After an argument during the recording of Back In The USSR, Ringo walked out of Abbey Road Studios and announced privately that he was leaving the group.

The three remaining members would ultimately complete the track, with McCartney playing the drums on the final release. Starr's departure was kept secret from the press, and he went on holiday to the editerranian as recording sessions for the White Album continued.

Ultimately, Ringo would return to the group after his holiday, with the band decorating his drumkit with flowers to welcome him back after his hiatus.

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The Beatles
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Adrian Bishop hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.