10 Modern Rock Music Artists With A Throwback Sound

1. Greta Van Fleet

You know how Luke Spiller from The Struts could be the son of Freddie Mercury?

Well, apply that to Greta Van Fleet's Josh Kiszka and Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant. And then times it by a thousand.

When GVF's debut single dropped in 2017, people were in shock. How had Plant been reincarnated when he wasn't even dead?

Kiszka's voice is almost exactly identical to Plant's in its prime and the rest of the band supported this by playing a similar style of blues rock to their inspirations.

As the band have progressed, the Led Zep comparisons have continued. They've learned to lean into them, even going down the same folky route as their forerunners did in recent years.

They could easily have been dismissed as copycats, but Greta Van Fleet have instead thrived. They've got two top ten albums under their belts with a third on the way and their song Highway Tune is close to 200 million streams on Spotify.

if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Led Zeppelin should feel very flattered indeed.

Greta Van Fleet have become a runaway success, and have hopefully introduced a few younger listeners to Led Zep along the way.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.