10 Modern Rock Music Artists With A Throwback Sound

9. Goat

Unfortunately, the band Goat isn't just a bunch of the farm animals running around a recording studio.

That would have been great.

Instead, they are a Swedish band with a focus on experimentation and musical fusion. It's impossible to call what they do pure rock, but there's definitely enough of the genre in there.

The group, who claim to be from an area of Sweden with a voodoo curse placed on it, have been making music since 2012 and taking audiences on a journey across many different soundscapes in the process.

Their music has a '67 San Francisco vibe to it; an air of freedom and limitlessness brought on by a beautiful summer (and possibly also hallucinogenics).

Goat aren't afraid to weave folk and other forms of traditional music into their work, echoing back to the days where that was all the rage amongst the biggest rock bands.

They're very much in their own lane when it comes to music, but it's still clear that Goat have a lot of love for 60s rock.

If you need proof, they then have a compilation album called Head Soup.

As in the Rolling Stones album Goat's Head Soup.


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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.