10 More Bands Who Had Huge Potential (But Wasted It)

4. Refused

Swedish hardcore punk band Refused were very good at establishing their brand.

They were fiercely left-wing, often writing their anti-establishment views into their music, and were also famously straight edge, which endeared them to an entire subculture of the rock community. They also made great music, which was probably also important.

Refused put out three albums in the 1990s, concluding with 1998’s The Shape of Punk to Come. It was a good album, one that the band were surely going to cement with their upcoming tour, but people at the time just didn’t get it.

The Shape of Punk to Come brought elements of other genres into the band’s work, which did not go over well. The reception to the record was actually so poor that Refused broke up whilst in the middle of the tour to promote it. The final show on the US leg of their tour was so disorganised, that it was actually shut down by the police.

Though they have since gotten back together, Refused have never reached the levels of success they once had. At least they haven’t had any legal trouble for a while.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.