10 More Bands Who Had Huge Potential (But Wasted It)

3. The Seahorses

The previous list on this topic talked about The Stone Roses, a British indie band that could have been megastars in the Britpop era had they stayed together long enough. After the Roses broke up, guitarist John Squire formed a new band called The Seahorses, but the same curse that afflicted his old employers would strike again.

The Seahorses released their singular album, Do It Yourself, in 1997, and the public were big fans. It debuted at number two in the UK charts, as it looked like Squire might finally be getting the dues he had earned in his previous band.

They began recording their second album in 1999, but tensions between Squire and singer Chris Helme quickly got too much. After one argument, Squire walked out of the session and that was that. The Seahorses were done.

Anyone who had been disappointed by The Stone Roses’ fall from grace surely thought they had hit the jackpot when their spiritual successors put out such a strong first release. Imagine the heartache they must have felt when their new favourite band broke for exactly the same reasons as the old one did.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.