10 More Near Perfect Punk Rock Albums

5. Shame: Drunk Tank Pink (2021)

The year 2021 was ushered in with a mood of gloomy tedium. Mere days before the Christmas celebrations were due to commence the country was told household mixing was off the cards. After a year of lockdowns it was the straw that almost broke the camels back. Shame's second album dropped in January right when we entered another lockdown. It couldn't have come at a more fitting time.

Lead singer, Charlie Steen's lyrics were a result of extensive touring followed by a lull in gigs. Left alone without the constant company of fans and band mates, his introspective musings were channeled into his songwriting. Although mostly written pre-pandemic, the themes of isolation and claustrophobia were eerily comparable to the feelings that came with a new lockdown. Despite all the downbeat themes, the record was defiantly upbeat.

British rock is certainly finding itself again. Punk and post-punk inspired groups are all the range, and Shame are at the forefront. Their second record is the sound of pent-up frustration channeled into angsty but unbroken melodies.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.