10 More Near Perfect Punk Rock Albums

4. Misfits: Walk Among Us (1982)

Satisfyingly punchy but surpassingly melodic; the debut album from Misfits was unlike your typical American punk rock of the early '80s. You could just about get away with calling these guys hardcore, but it would be an oversimplified and inaccurate appraisal. They certainly had the energy of hardcore groups, but there was a distinctive finesse that stood them apart from their contemporaries.

Misfits had been knocking about since the mid '70s, but at that time, people just didn't like what they had to offer. They combined the musical sentiment of English punk with the costume design of Kiss - only slightly more gothic. They bastardised the rockabilly pompadour into a twisted rat tail, and adorned themselves in horror inspired make up. It was a little too contrived for the no-f**ks-given attitude of the day.

When they finally released a debut record people began to change their minds. frontman Glen Danzig was informed by the Ramones, but he also had a fixation with Black Sabbath, the Doors, Elvis Presley and all things sci fi and horror. The result was a strange melding of finely crafted and melodic songs, disguised behind raucous energy and halloween face paint.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.