10 More Up & Coming Metal Bands You Need To Hear

Metal's underground scene might be stronger than ever.

sixfornine band
Eclipse Records

Heavy metal often gets a poor reception from mainstream audiences and people on the outside looking in. For non-metalheads the scene can seem stagnated, aggressive and repetitive. But, this is mainly because all the new, cutting edge and exciting acts out there, innovating and reinvigorating the scene but rarely receiving the recognition they deserve.

A common misconception regarding the metal scene, even from metal fans themselves, is that there is no good new music out there. However, this honestly cannot be further from the truth.

The underground metal scene is currently the broadest it has ever been in terms of variety and is stronger than it has ever been in terms of talent. But, finding new bands is difficult because there is such a gulf in exposure between new names and 'legacy' acts.

With that in mind, this article looks to introduce you to ten of the best rising stars in the global underground metal scene from an array of metal affiliated sub-genres. So with no further delay, here is the sequel article to '10 Up & Coming Bands You Need to Hear' from January.

10. Death Blooms

Formed by members of the now disbanded British modern metal group, Ashes, Death Blooms made an unapologetic impact upon the underground scene with their fierce, no holds barred approach to metal.

For fans of Cane Hill and GroundCulture, this exciting metalcore group have wasted no time in proving their abilities as a rip-roaring, face-melting outfit.

Death Blooms hit the ground running in 2017 with their self-titled debut EP. Featuring beckoning vocals, hardcore tainted conventions and sickening breakdowns, this EP blew away every person fortunate enough to hear it.

Death Blooms have since released a second EP titled 'You Are Filth', which hit the shelves in 2019. Much like their first release, 'You Are Filth' thrived off a pulsing sense of adrenaline and earned a reputation as a great underground EP in the process.

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Hi everyone, I'm a signed author and journalist. Despite my main area of expertise being rock music, I have an interest in loads of other subjects like films, TV series, sports and of course, wrestling.