10 More Up & Coming Metal Bands You Need To Hear

8. Nicumo

Finland (and Scandinavia as a whole) has a rich heavy metal history. From being a pioneering nation in the rise of black metal to a modern day haven from thriving young talent, Finland has always been on the heavy metal map.

One of their biggest prodigy bands in recent years however, have no fallen under the black metal banner, but instead focus in on melancholic metal.

Although they formed in 2007, Nicumo did not merge into the band we're familiar with today until 2009. From here, they quickly established a great localised fan base in their hometown of Ylivieska, and released their debut album, 'The End of Silence', in 2013.

However, it was their 2017 album, 'Beyond Horizon', which got the wheels of their momentum turning. They were picked up by international fans and critics for the first time, paving the way for the successful launch of their third record, 'Inertia', on 27th March.

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