10 More Up & Coming Metal Bands You Need To Hear

3. Shadecrown

Statistically, Finland is the biggest heavy metal nation in the world, so it's no surprise that so many underground bands originate from this Scandinavian nation. Forming in 2012, Shadecrown have been awaiting their leap to fame for almost a decade now.

Despite having been a band since 2012, this melodic doom metal groups musical journey didn't get up to full speed until 2016, with the eventual release of their debut album 'Agonia'. Beyond the borders of their native land, this debut record sadly went relatively unnoticed but Shadecrown refused to be disheartened.

Shadecrown revealed their stunning second album, 'Riven', in 2019 and pushed themselves to all new heights of exposure and international attention.

Still being firmly positioned within the confines of the underground hasn't affected the band's reputation however, as they have a strong core following and loyal fan base.

Key songs from Shadecrown include 'Rain's Edge', 'The Ghost I Mourn' and 'Not Until the End'.

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