10 Most Anticipated Albums Of 2016

9. Gwen Stefani - Title TBA

Gwen Stefani is poking her head back into the realm of relevancy once again. Although many fans at this point are still clinging to the hope that No Doubt will get off their asses and cut it out with this "hiatus" thing, the promise of a new solo album from Gwen Stefani will have to do for now. It's entirely possible that the anticipation of her new album stems more from her recent divorce from Gavin Rossdale than from the expectation of any high-quality music. It's a tabloid mentality that the first single from the album, "Used To Love You," does nothing to dispel. Obviously aimed at her ex-husband, the song is a stripped-down bit of 80s-flavored balladry that is leagues above her past solo efforts. (The less said about "Hollaback Girl" the better.) So don't be surprised if Stefani's album is the most talked-about thing on the planet when it's released sometime in 2016.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.