10 Most Anticipated Albums Of 2016

6. Frank Ocean - Boys Don't Cry

Will Frank Ocean succumb to the dreaded sophomore slump? Or will the "Thinkin' Bout You" singer manage another critically acclaimed, commercially adored album? After all, it's pretty easy to let that kind of sudden mega-success go to your head. (I'd imagine.) The fact that his album's release date has been pushed back on multiple occasions is also a bit concerning. Then again, what better way to whip the buying public into a frenzy than to repeatedly promise them a new album only to constantly break that promise. Right Axl Rose? (THIRD Chinese Democracy reference. Boom!) Ocean tried to satiate hungry fans by rehashing a bunch of old material from previous mixtapes on Spotify. Not surprisingly, it didn't work. Everyone is remaining pretty tight-lipped about what the new record will sound like once it eventually gets released, which is what ultimately ends up fueling the anticipation even more. Not knowing is so...intriguing.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.