10 Most Blatant Ripoffs In Rock History 

2. Supersonic - Oasis

It's no real secret that Oasis have owed most of their career to that of the Beatles. Hell, even the Gallagher Brothers themselves would probably tell you that the supposed "Greatest Band in the World" couldn't have been brought into fruition without the work of the Fab Four laying the groundwork first. However, there's a fine line between being fanboys and actively ripping off your influences.

As much as the Beatles comparisons have been following Oasis since the beginning, the first real blatant ripoff to come from the lads from Manchester was actually from the Quiet Beatles' solo career. For the majority of Supersonic, you can really feel the Oasis swagger coming into view, with Liam Gallagher showcasing his trademark snideness throughout the track. Once the the main guitar lick comes in though, things start to sound a little too familiar for comfort.

When played side by side, the lead lick that Noel Gallagher plays to connect back into the next verse is the same kind of lyrical guitar part that was found in George Harrisons' My Sweet Lord from his debut album All Things Must Pass. Ironically enough, this was also the song that got Harrison in hot water when he was accused of ripping of He's So Fine by the Chiffons. So there lies the question: how can you call it a ripoff if the song that they're pulling from is a ripoff as well?

In this post: 
The Beatles
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