10 Most Expensive Rock Albums Ever Made

5. One By One - Foo Fighters (>$1 Million)

Foo Fighters took three years to release their fourth studio record, One by One, and those three years were not easy ones.

The band pitched up in Los Angeles and Dave Grohl's Virginia studio to put together some demos for the new record. They recorded separately from each other for the first time, using the programme Pro Tools to put it all together.

Perhaps this is why they were so dissatisfied with how these songs turned out. Ten tracks were finished and considered for the new release, but they were all eventually deemed not good enough and scrapped entirely.

Unfortunately for Grohl & co., money had already been spent. A lot of money.

These initial recording sessions apparently cost $1 million, leading to the unreleased songs being labelled as the "million dollar demos". No matter what the Foos did next, they'd be seven digits in the red.

What they actually did next was get together and thrash out new versions of the existing songs and a couple of originals, which would eventually become the album we all know as One by One.

Wow, it was that easy the whole time?


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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.