10 Most Expensive Rock & Metal Albums Ever Made

3. Korn: Untouchables - $4,000,000

The making of Korn's fifth album, Untouchables, was a bumpy road. The band wanted to make the album something the world had never heard before, and in order to make the record sound as good as possible they recorded it in high definition 96k, the first album to record this way. The equipment and technology needed to achieve this rose the costs of the album massively, but in a bizarre twist this was not the main reason the album cost so much.

The recording process two years - including five months just for vocals - and the band and their 15 person crew travelled to different cities to record and set themselves up in rented houses. The band were struggling with drugs and personal issues, and wanted to record away from home in abid to increase their creativity and work ethic. Bassist Fieldy has gone on record that at one time they were renting five houses for the crew at a price of $10,000 a week.

The finished record sold incredibly well, beaten in the charts only by Eminem, and it received mostly positive reviews thanks to key tracks "Here to Stay" and "Thoughtless". The band are still on the move now, touring and working on new material, so it seems the album's budget didn't have many lasting effects on them.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.